QUANTUM PLUS TECHNOLOGIES LLP is an Indian company incorporated on 25/09/2019 and its registered office address is 116, Gagandeep Building Rajendra Place New Delhi Central ,Delhi,Delhi,India,110008. The LLP Identification Number (LLPIN) of the company is AAQ-6465 and its total obligation of contribution is Rs. 15000. The current age of the company as per the available official records is 2 Years 11 Months 6 Days years.
QUANTUM PLUS TECHNOLOGIES LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi (RoC-Delhi) Its authorized share capital is INR 0 and its paid up capital is INR 0. The industrial and the SIC code for QUANTUM PLUS TECHNOLOGIES LLP is 72 and the The directors of this company are PRADEEP KUMAR SINGH and Tushar Pant. The current status of this company is Active. and the contact details of the company as per the official records are mentioned in the contact section. Please visit the contact section or the contact form below for contacting this company
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Tinnitus is caused by damaged hairs in the auditory cells that aid in hearing. This problem can be prompted by various reasons including prolonged exposure to loud noises or even aging. Unlike other existing treatment options, the Quietum Plus tinnitus supplement helps to treat tinnitus naturally using vitamins and minerals rather than doing so invasively or using toxic ingredients.
In fact, the Quietum Plus pills is formulated using 100% natural ingredients. These natural ingredients don't only reverse the effects of tinnitus, but also help to improve cognitive functions. Furthermore, ingredients in the supplement ease neurotransmission from the brain to the ears and the other way round.
The Quietum Plus capsules is designed to work on the central nervous system. This mechanism improves nerve functions - which, in turn, enhance the hearing. Furthermore, the supplement works to improve the auditory system to prevent future hearing impairment.
The nourishment from the ingredients in the supplement repairs the bonds between the ears and brain cells - allowing one to use Quietum Plus not only as treatment for hearing loss but also as a supplement to prevent hearing loss.
Quietum Plus Ingredients
The Quietum Plus supplement is made using natural ingredients that have been naturally selected and blended for their functions. These include yam, fenugreek, dong quai, l-tyrosine, motherwort, black cohosh oat grass, pacific kelp, hops extract, and blessed thistle.
Yam - As an excellent source of fiber, potassium, manganese, and copper, yam boasts various health benefits. This ingredient is a powerful antioxidant thus, it helps to reverse effects of oxidative stress by flushing toxins out of the body.
Additionally, yam aids in boosting the brain health, reducing inflammation, and regulating blood sugar. Furthermore, yam boasts adequate amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin B6, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folate, and niacin. Together these vitamins and minerals improve cognitive functions.
Fenugreek - Similar to yam, the fenugreek in the supplement aids in regulating blood sugar. But this is not all it does. Fenugreek also boosts testosterone levels (for men), increases milk production (for breastfeeding women), reduced cholesterol levels, whilst sufficing the daily recommended nutritional values for a heap of minerals and vitamins in the body.
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Dong Quai - A traditional medicinal herb, Dong Quai eliminates the risks of hypertension whilst improving brain function. Furthermore, this herb helps to treat menstrual and menopausal symptoms.
L-Tyrosine - L-Tyrosine is primarily added to the supplement blend to improve cognitive performance. Furthermore, it affects the catecholamine transmission in the aging brain to improve cognitive functions - which includes hearing. Additionally, l-tyrosine increases dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline levels to improve memory retention and reduce stress.
Motherwort - Motherwort is known to control blood pressure and anxiety. Additionally, it is regularly used to control the effects of menstruation. It is a useful diuretic and heart strengthening natural herb as well.
Black Cohosh Oat Grass - Black cohosh oat grass is essential for multiple brain functions. Generally, it aids in controlling hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, tinnitus, vertigo, nervousness, and even irritability.
Pacific Kelp - As a rich source of antioxidants, Pacific kelp accentuates brain functions and cognition. Pacific kelp reduces inflammation whilst increasing red blood cell count as well.
Hops Extract - Hops are essential in improving memory retention. Hops extract is also used in reducing anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, tension, and ADHD.
ordering directly at quietumplus.com
Blessed Thistle - Similar to pacific kelp, blessed thistle is rich in antioxidants. Thus, it helps to protect the brain and other organs from oxidative stress, disease, and even aging. In aging brains, it helps to improve overall function.
Final Verdict
The best thing about using the Quietum Plus tinnitus supplement is that it doesn't only treat hearing related problems. Thanks to its blend of natural ingredients, the supplement significantly boosts one's immune system and overall bodily functions. Furthermore, rather than providing short term relief, the Quietum Plus capsules delivers irreversible results. So for people suffering from hearing problems, this supplement is the ultimate treatment option.
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